An elderly couple at their home on a deserted island. They are preparing to welcome their guests who have come to listen to a speech given by an esteemed speaker. The Old Man resolves to convey his wisdom to a lifetime of friends and believes can save mankind with this information. With anticipation building for the exciting news, the house gets crowded and are overflowing with eager listeners. Some of the guests even have to stand just to get a place to hear the impending omnipotent news. The old man also announces that an orator will be joining, who arrives after much anticipation. The Chairs humorously blurs the line between fantasy and hallucination, as the couple’s diversion becomes their reality.
一對年屆九十多歲的夫婦,在他們處於孤島上的家中邀請了各式人等前來聆聽一個重要演說,準備迎接客人到來。老先生説那個訊息可以拯救人類,是他深切體會到生命意義的成果。很多客人陸續到來坐滿了所有椅子,擠滿了整間房子。老先生宣佈一位專業演說家也會到来。經過一番等待,演說家最後出現了……究竟那會是一個怎麽樣的訊息? 《椅子》是一齣悲鬧劇, 幽默地將現實與幻想結合,老夫婦的處境令人分不出真偽,但人生很多境況又何嘗不是?