Master Erhu Musician Wang Guowei – Live In-Person Concert 王國偉 二胡独奏
4:30-5:00pm @ 21 Pell St. Engage with music of the erhu as Wang Guowei demonstrates playing techniques and performs erhu masterworks with digital accompaniment.

'The Chairs' 椅子 by Four Seas Players
3pm @ Abron Arts Center. Bilingual chinese/english play about an elderly couple at their home on a deserted island.

The Flavors of Taishan Tea
10:00-5:00pm @ 24 Rutgers Street. In celebration of Chinatown Arts Week, tea educator Anna Ye is offering 30-min tasting sessions for our friends, family, and neighbors in the community to sample three unique teas from Taishan.

Post-Production Discussion: A Theatrical Conversation into the Chinese Massacre of 1871
5:00-6:00pm EST (2:00-3:00 PST). Post-Production Discussion: A Theatrical Conversation into the Chinese Massacre of 1871.

Master Erhu Musician Wang Guowei Live In-Person Concert 王國偉 二胡独奏
2:00-3:00pm @ Chatham Square Library. Engage with music of the erhu as Wang Guowei demonstrates playing techniques and performs erhu masterworks with digital accompaniment created by the artist.

The Virulent Roots of American Violent Othering
2pm via Zoom. The Virulent Roots of American Violent Othering: Asians as disposable things, and other stories of dehumanization

The Art of Chinese Living-What Can We Learn From Su Shi's Ode to the Red Cliff
12:00-1:30pm @ 24 Rutgers St. Join us in reading and discussing famed poet Su Dong Po's "Ode to the Red Cliff", both in English and Chinese over tea, and in trying our hands-on various calligraphy styles of the essay.

Prologue- Stories of My Tuesday Ladies
7pm @ 21 Pell St. Stories told by a group of Chinese ladies who get together every Tuesday at an art class through shadow, movement and music.

The Flavors of Taishan Tea
10:00-5:00pm @ 24 Rutgers Street. In celebration of Chinatown Arts Week, tea educator Anna Ye is offering 30-min tasting sessions for our friends, family, and neighbors in the community to sample three unique teas from Taishan.

Sutra Collectives 靜心淨心
Oct 19 & 21, 3-4pm @ Pencilnyc Studio. Join us for a 1-hour meditation and heart sutra calligraphy copying workshop in the afternoon!

Asian American Artist Townhall "Asian Arts Initiative" (亚洲艺术倡议协会) 艺术家全体会议
6pm via Zoom. The Asian American Artist Town Hall invites all artists of asian descent to come together to pitch their latest projects, share resources, and see sneak peeks of new work.

150th Anniversary of 1871 Los Angeles Chinese Massacre: A multi-dimensional performance 1871年 屠杀华人事件:综合形式的表演
5:00-9:30pm (2-3:30pm PDT). A Multi-Dimensional Performance to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Chinese Massacre in Los Angeles 1871.

Master Erhu Musician Wang Guowei - Live In-Person Concert 王國偉 二胡独奏
4:00-5:30pm @ 78 Bowery. Engage with music of the erhu as erhu virtuoso/composer Wang Guowei demonstrates playing techniques and performs erhu masterworks with digital accompaniment.

Tak Wah Eng Art Exhibit 伍德華艺术展览 Artist and Hosts Reception
6:00-7:30pm @ Lanterne Lab. “Made in Chinatown” Artist and Host Reception.

HOME dance project “何为家” 舞蹈项目
6-7pm @ Museum of Chinese in America. A curated dance project in collaboration with the Museum of Chinese in America showcasing emerging Asian choreographers and dancers.

HOME dance project “何为家” 舞蹈项目
4-5pm @ Museum of Chinese in America. A curated dance project in collaboration with the Museum of Chinese in America showcasing emerging Asian choreographers and dancers.

'The Six' Online Screening and Director's Talk 他们六个人(在线电影)
2:45-5:30pm via zoom. Immigration Film Festival North American premier of 'The Six' — Chinese survivors of the Titanic. Online screening and Director's Talk.

The Art of Chinese Living-What Can We Learn From Su Shi's Ode to the Red Cliff
12:00-1:30pm @ 24 Rutgers St. Join us in reading and discussing famed poet Su Dong Po's "Ode to the Red Cliff", both in English and Chinese over tea, and in trying our hands-on various calligraphy styles of the essay.

Sutra Collectives @Pencilnyc Studio
4-5pm @ Pencilnyc Studio. Join us for a 1-hour meditation and heart sutra calligraphy copying workshop in the afternoon!

Tak Wah Eng Art Exhibit 伍德華艺术展览 Artist and Hosts Reception
4:00-5:30pm @ A&C Gallery, 4th Fl. “Made in Chinatown” Artist and Hosts Reception .

Sutra Collectives @ Pencilnyc Studio
3-4pm @ Pencilnyc Studio. Join us for a 1-hour meditation and heart sutra calligraphy copying workshop in the afternoon!

Ursula Eagly: The Nature of Physical Reality 体能现实的本质
Oct 15- Dec 18, various times @ Abron Arts Center. The Nature of Physical Reality is a work that elongates viewer attention and creates experiences of synesthesia.

Review Retrospective
10:00am-10:00pm. Review Retrospective features artworks by the Abrons Arts Center Visual Artist AIRspace 2020-2021 cohort Shirley Bruno, Hyperlink Press, Sa’dia Rehman, and Carlos Rosales-Silva.

My Projects Runway: Community Matriarchs of NYCHA
Various locations and times — please check description. Abrons Arts Center and the digital storytelling platform My Projects Runway celebrate women residents of Lower East Side public housing.

Emily Johnson and Karyn Recollet: Kinstillatory Mappings in Light and Dark Matter
6:30pm @ Abron Arts Center. A monthly ceremonial fire organized by Emily Johnson and Karyn Recollet centering Indigenous protocol and knowledge.

Perfect City: Avoidance Mapping
6:30-8pm @ Abron Arts Center. Perfect City is a 20-year art and advocacy working group looking at gentrification, gender equity and urban planning.

Tak Wah Eng Art Exhibit and Auction 伍德華艺术展览和义卖
Oct 22-24, 4:00-8:00pm @ Lanterne Lab 69 Mulberry

Master Erhu Musician Wang Guowei - Live In-Person Concert
4:00-5:30pm @ 78 Bowery. Engage with music of the erhu as erhu virtuoso/composer Wang Guowei performs erhu masterworks with digital accompaniment created by the artist.

"Souls of NYC Chinatown: Hopes and Resilience" 纽约中国城的灵魂:希望与活力
On view Oct 2 - Oct 23 @ 78 Bowery. An art exhibition including 15 local artists that highlight the people who dedicate their lives to serving the Chinatown community.