Think!Chinatown is registered as a federal tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our non-profit EIN is: 20-0434850. Please note our official name is CREATE in Chinatown, DBA Think!Chinatown

Donate Online

Make a donation via credit or debit card via our Give Lively page. Alternatively, donate through PayPal. Both methods incur small fees.

PREFERRED: Donate by Check

Please send to:

231 W 29 St, Suite 602
New York, NY 10001

Please make all checks payable to Think!Chinatown.


Corporate Match

If you’re interested in using your company’s donation platform, please look us up by our 501(c)3 name: CREATE in Chinatown, DBA Think!Chinatown

Corporate Programs & Sponsorship

Consider engaging T!C to create a cultural or storytelling program for your next corporate event! Our programs are perfect for your company’s Asian-American Affinity group, or for your Asian Pacific American Heritage Month celebrations. Perfect for increasing cultural awareness, building on team relationships, and having a bit of fun while supporting our Chinatown non-profit! Sponsorship is a great way to raise the visibility of your firm through impactful programming. Drop us a line if you’re interested.

Check out our sponsorship packet for the events we offer. Please carefully review our minimum rates for each event before proceeding:

  • Company: $1000-1500 in-person; $500 virtual

  • Educational institution/non-profit: $600 in-person; $250 virtual

These private events are another avenue for us to fundraise for our free, public events in the neighborhood (our specialty!). Thank you in advance for supporting us!

The entirety of your donation will go toward Think!Chinatown's core mission to build a stronger, more resilient Chinatown. Contributions — large and small — help to grow our community. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!