Hosted by Free Chinese Feminists
11am-7pm weekdays, 11am-9pm weekends
It was not until New Year’s Day of 2018, when Luo Xixi, a PhD graduate from Beihang University broke the silence. She accused her professor of sexual harassment 12 years ago. She suffered insomnia, auditory hallucination and depression since then. But she said, we cannot let darkness and powerlessness spread and hurt more people.
The curtain of Chinese anti-sexual harassment movement eventually revealed, it is not only an active response to the U.S. leading global #MeToo movement, but also a response to local culture and legislation based on the cumulating momentum gathered from previously long-term debate on women's power.
When darkness is torn, a small light comes in. Those who once lost their voices begin to gain the power of telling, even if those stories and words are continuously censored. Starting from Luo Xixi, numerous stories have exposed prevalent but hidden crimes. Among all the offenses, sexual violence is the kind that is most shameful and most disbelieved and is most difficult to get justice for.
Fortunately, the stories link people together, and our similar experiences warm each other. One shout of “Me Too”, creates thousands of echoes. We are not isolated.
Begun from July 2019, exhibition of #MeToo in China were held in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu consecutively, but has been forced to stop again and again, because the exhibition itself is part of speak up and protest, and they are not static records but an empowerment to the ongoing movement.
Today, the exhibition is coming to New York, where it can freely breathe and speak. It is also a great transnational connection that shows the vivid power of Chinese feminists and their power to make changes.
Recovering from all the loss, shame and misgivings they’ve been through, those who were once voiceless come together and speak out. By telling stories, they empower themselves, build up strength and educate the public.
This exhibition demonstrates the long-struggling journey of all the survivors. There are personal belongings that have borne witness to moments of shame or defeat, diaries that recorded pain, and videos that document past struggles. Over 350 letters showcase perseverance, as well as all the legal documents used to fight for justice.
Please come and join us. Let us meet up here in New York to hear from each other, make progress and pass the # MeToo spirit on.