Everyday Chinatown Project Reception & Walking Tour - Friday June 7th @ Pearl River Mart 6:00-7:15pm

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Experience "Everyday Chinatown" artifacts with new eyes and ears! Artful displays of everyday artifacts are paired with audio stories accessible through your phone. Dial in on your cell phone to listen in on our community members as they share stories about common Chinatown household items in Cantonese, English & Mandarin. Window displays of these artifacts are hosted by several Chinatown businesses from May 31st through July 1st. This project of cultural translation, self-representation, and inter-generational exchange is funded by the Citizen's Committee for NYC.

This Friday, join us at Pearl River Mart for a small reception and a guided tour of the project sites.

Everyday Chinatown artifacts can be viewed daily at these locations:
MK2, 139 Centre St
Universal Optical, 38 East Broadway
Po Wing Hong, 49 Elizabeth St
Pearl River Mart, 395 Broadway

Haven Cafe, 145 Mott

THINK!CHINATOWN Team for Everyday Chinatown:
Wilfred Chan audio story collector/presenter,
Jennifer Lai, Aaron Reiss - audio editing,
Ying Bonny Cai & Leise Hook- display design,
Yin Kong - project production

Citizens Committee for New York City, Material For the Arts
Sophia Ng Tsao and Po Wing Hong
Kenneth Ma and Mott Optical
Joanne Kwong, Angela Tung and Pearl River Mart
Lily Huang and Hamilton Madison House
Meemee Chin, Richard Young & all the T!C Volunteers


Toisan-style joong/zongzi/粽子: Hands-on Workshop @ Essex St Market


Help Tell Chinatown's Stories on HowToChinatown.NYC