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Many New Yorkers, Chinese or not, frequently pass through Chinatown to peruse the fresh markets, to eat dim sum, to wander.  Of course, these brief visits rarely grant a full understanding of life in everyday Chinatown.  EVERYDAY CHINATOWN captures stories of daily neighborhood life (beyond the bubble tea) through displays of Chinatown objects and the narratives associated with them. We collected and recorded these stories through a series of conversations with Chinatown community groups and collaborated with local businesses to display these objects throughout the neighborhood. 

Try out an EVERYDAY CHINATOWN story by dialing the number and extension in the image above to hear a story about the bagua. Like it? Then visit the locations listed here before March 31.

·        心目華埠藝術空間 Think!Chinatown Art Space 384 Broadway

·        華埠眼鏡公司 Chinatown Optical 40 Mott St

·        寶榮行 Po Wing Hong 49 Elizabeth St

·        珠江 Pearl River Mart 395 Broadway (Mezzanine)


Art X Archives Exhibit until April 22nd


T!C Community Art Space @ 384 Broadway